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Happy Thanksgiving from Miles2Go


Happy Thanksgiving from Miles2Go

This year I’m celebrating our American Thanksgiving Day with my brother and his family here in Amherst, New Hampshire. It will be good to be with family this Thanksgiving and to sit around the fireplace, sipping a hot drink and laughing out loud. I’m looking forward to it.

I’ve spent Thanksgiving in a lot of different places over the years. I’ve spent Thanksgiving in Key Largo and Grand Canyon, Stowe and New Orleans, West Virginia, St. Thomas and even in Japan. I’ve worked as many Thanksgivings as I’ve had off in my adult life. I’ve often found myself with 12 international guests on tour and in charge of sharing this wonderful day with people who’ve never celebrated it before. Cooking a Thanksgiving Dinner for 12 over an open campfire is quite a challenge, but a good one.

This year has been a difficult one and it’s important to remember how much we have to be thankful for. I’m thankful for family and friends both near and far. I’m thankful for my health. I’m incredibly thankful for the roof over my head, the food in my stomach and the clean water in my bottle knowing that there are so many who don’t have even that in this world. I’m thankful for all of the opportunities I’ve had in my life - both those which have worked out and those which haven’t. I don’t have much money in the bank, but I consider myself a very wealthy man for the experiences I’ve had, the places I’ve seen and the wonderful people I’ve met over the years. And in this space, I’m incredibly thankful for you, dear reader, for having stuck with this travel blog despite the fact that I’ve traveled less this year than at any point in the last 20 years. I’ll be back on the road as soon as it’s safe and responsible to do so.

Happy Thanksgiving To You



This Week on the Road - September 23rd-30th


This Week on the Road - September 23rd-30th

Hello Everyone! Wow, it has been six months since I last published This Week on the Road. I can’t describe how great it was just to type those words. I wish I had been able to leave this week and just keep going, but alas it was just for this week. My folks and I drove up to New Hampshire last Wednesday to visit my brother and his family. The fall colors are coming in beautifully in New England and we had a wonderful visit. We got out and did a lot, and I was very happy to be checking out new places and taking photos in unfamiliar surroundings. It was a wonderful week on the road in New Hampshire.

Our decision to go was not made lightly. We’ve been keeping close to home and keeping our interactions to a minimum, maintaining our distance and wearing our masks. My folks aren’t as young as they once were and with my diabetes we’re all at heightened risk, not to mention the fact that I’m spending my days with a child who I simply cannot get sick. While my brother and his girlfriend are doing what they’re supposed to do as well, seeing them would bring more people into our safety web. But with winter and a second wave coming, New Hampshire being a state with things relatively in control and the looming election we decided that if we wanted to see them this year, this was probably the time. The fall colors and the ability to take some photos of somewhere further from home helped to seal the deal. We packed a lunch and made it a direct journey in both directions, followed best practices while we were there and hopefully managed to keep everyone safe and healthy. I’m glad we went.

The trip did help me see how difficult it would be to continue my actual long-term journey at this point in time. Many things remain closed or on limited hours, and while people in New Hampshire seemed generally compliant with safety standards I know that’s not the case for much of the country. While this week definitely tugged at my heart strings and whispered go in my ear, many of the things I would want to see remain closed and the thought of getting really sick while on the road and far from home doesn’t seem like a great idea. So for now I will have to be content with my week away and settle in here in D.C. for the winter. The short days and cold nights of winter on the road are pretty brutal anyway, and without a warm safe pub to tuck into, it would probably be a bit much.

We left on Wednesday and made good time, arriving at my brother’s house at around 3:30 in the afternoon. He and his girlfriend, Errin, have a wonderful home on a windy back road with a nice chunk of land and some room to breathe. I know maintaining it takes a lot of hard work, but they’ve really made a nice home for themselves and their family. After the long ride, we were happy to just settle in, have a few cold beers and catch up a little bit. It feels like a long time since we were there in December, but it all seemed very familiar as well.

Thursday we went for a visit to Bedrock Gardens in Lee, New Hampshire. It is a beautiful 20 acre garden full of interesting sculptures and beautiful plants and flowers. It took quite a while to meander through the many paths that wound around the property. Bedrock Gardens was quite a unique and special place and is probably phenomenal in spring when all the flowers are starting to bloom. It was very cool.

On Friday, we loaded my brother’s boat onto the trailer and set off for Lake Winnipesaukee in the central part of the state. Lake Winnipesaukee is the largest lake in New Hampshire and is just over an hour north of my brother’s house.


Happy Holidays from Miles2Go


Happy Holidays from Miles2Go

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to wish all of you a very Happy Hanukkah and a Merry Christmas from me! I feel very fortunate to be home for the holidays this year and happy to celebrate with friends and family. I’ve got two new babies in my close friends network, so it has been amazing to see them start out on their journeys. I also had a great opportunity to go visit my brother for a week in New Hampshire and see his beautiful new home. We got two feet of snow when I was there, so I have gotten my shoveling in for the year. With any luck I’ll be very far south of where I am now before any more snow hits. It was truly beautiful and amazing to see, but I also remember why I tend to avoid the cold weather.

I’ve been home for a little over a month now and I’m finally starting to feel like I’m catching up on all the things that I need to do before setting out again. I’ve been to the doctor and the dentist, seen a lot of old friends and gotten to catch up with my family and help out around the house. I’ve also been hard at work on all of my projects and am starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. You can check out these updated photo galleries to see some of the progress I’ve been making:
