Hi everyone. Greetings from my hometown of Washington D.C. - it is really good to be home. As I mentioned last week, I won’t be putting out This Week on the Road for a while, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to keep publishing and keep you updated on what’s happening in my life.

It’s been a good week at home. Busy for sure, but good. I’ve had the opportunity to get some things done like doctors appointments and DMV stuff which are not things you want to take care of on the road. I don’t particularly want to take care of them here either, but they do have to get done. I also went for jury duty but didn’t end up on a jury. I’ve been able to catch up with my friends and family too, and even got to celebrate my friends’ son Mason’s first birthday. That was really special and I was happy to be here for it. I’ve also enjoyed little simple pleasures like my own shower and a bed with walls around it so I don’t have to sleep with one ear open.

As you’ll see, I haven’t stopped editing or publishing photos either, and I’m almost finished with the ones I took in Alabama. I also got a podcast done this week, although it’s a little behind as it’s from Louisiana. It’s good, though, and you should definitely give it a listen. I’ve been working at my old usual spot here at Tenleytown library, and it’s been great to see so many of the people who are always here, including some of the more colorful characters I had almost forgotten about. Like the eastern European lady who laughs uncontrollably and seemingly for no reason and then asks the people if they are okay as they move away from her. The library has hired a new librarian though who isn’t afraid to be the bad guy and tell people to be quiet, which is actually much appreciated by those of us just here getting some work done. After all of my library visits around the country, where I learned how much more there is to it all than just the books on the shelves, I have finally gotten myself a library card too. When the librarian (mistakenly) said I was still in the system (after 30 years), I gave her a quizzical look and then she caught her mistake. Now that would have been impressive.

I have gotten some nice notes and comments this week which are always appreciated. The best came from the post I did on visiting my grandfather’s hometown in Dillonvale, Ohio (read it here). She remembered my visit to the peach cobbler social at the church my grandfather had attended as a child. I really love being able to connect with people through this project - that really is the best part about the whole thing.

It’s also been nice to get out and enjoy the spring weather which is still a little cooler in Washington than it was when I was leaving Alabama. Washington is a beautiful city in the spring, and I am hoping to get completely caught up on my work so I can have a few days to just head out and enjoy it for a few days. Last night I had to renew my CPR and First Aid certifications and I did it at the Red Cross building down by the White House. I loved walking past the Old Executive Office Building, one of my favorites in the city, on my way there. I really would love if I can get tickets to the African American History Museum which has been really busy since it opened and I have yet to see. I also want to go look at a few books at the Library of Congress and am grateful to have that as a resource here as well. It’s been funny as I have walked around my neighborhood too. I have taken so many photos in so many towns that I just see things differently now. I notice the little details of the buildings and the way the light plays off of them. It’s been nice to see familiar places with a different perspective - something many people have mentioned my photos have done for them regarding their own hometowns. I also love the cardinals and bluebirds and all of the amazing flowers (including my mother’s roses) which have been making my homecoming so colorful.

Other than that, I’m just cleaning and organizing and beginning to prepare for going back to work in two weeks. I’m really looking forward to it and seeing some more familiar faces out there. I fly out to California on June 3rd which will get here quicker than I think it will. I’m confident I’ll be all set to go when the time comes though.

Well, sometimes you speak of the devil and the devil shows up. The laughing lady has just sat down next to me at the library. She’s sipping her drink (while I imagine whats in it) and staring straight ahead and laughing for no apparent reason. She’s not hurting anyone though, and today she really made me smile. Have a great week out there y’all, and I hope to catch up with you again this time next week.
