Hello Everyone! I hope this post finds you all well. I am safely back at home in Washington D.C. after my tour season finished last week. It’s nice to be here with my family and friends and I’m catching up on some rest and some quiet time. I know I promised you these photos a couple of months ago, but things got really crazy at the end of my season, plus I was pretty tired from such a busy summer. But here are the rest of my photos from my time in Alaska this summer. I hope to get a couple of more little photo essays done in the next couple of weeks and get a proper update written and hopefully share some of my photos from my last trips in California and the one I’ve just returned from in the Deep South, but it’s Wednesday night and I want this to get this out on Thursday so I’m going to keep it short and sweet today. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I promise I’ll be back with you real soon. Thanks, as always, for reading.