Greetings From the Last Frontier

Hello Everyone! Greetings from Anchorage, Alaska. I apologize for how long it’s been since I last posted. I’ve been unbelievably busy running tours all summer, and most have been camping tours with limited internet connectivity. But I promise I’ve been thinking about you and taking lots of photos. It’s been a very short but sweet run here in Alaska this summer, with three wonderful trips separated by a short jaunt back to California in August. I’ve gotten my fill of salmon and halibut. panned for gold, hiked up glaciers, watched humpbacks and bears and plenty of moose. And tomorrow it is all over. The leaves have started to change and there’s even some snow in the air at higher altitudes so that means it’s time for me to head south and finish my season in the desert and the Sierras. I promise there are many more pictures to come, so watch this space, but for now I just wanted to check in and let you know I’m still alive and to share with you some of my photos from the drive up to Alaska. Also know that I’ve really been saving my nickels and dimes this summer so I will be back to this project full-time in early 2025. I hope you are all having a wonderful summer wherever you are and I’ll share so much more about my summer when I get back to California next week. Take care and thanks for following along.


Salmon Glacier

Float Plains on Trail Lake

Downtown Stewart, BC

Beautiful Reflections

A Beautiful Waterfall Near Hyder, Alaska

Food Cache in Teslin NWR

Pink Hills Near the Border

Dark Clouds and Rainbows

Fireweed and Mountains

A Stunning Entry to Alaska